Learning evaluation is an activity conducted to comprehensively and sustainably review the learning process and outcomes. The evaluation reviewed all elements in the learning process that include (1) the activities: Plan (planning), Do (implementation), Check (monitoring), Action (development); (2) the subject: lecturers, education personnel, students; (3) the facilities: rooms, equipment, laboratories, information systems, etc.
Education plays a vital role as the main driver of the progress of a nation’s civilization through the development of character, science, technology, art, and culture thet plays an immense role in sustainable development.
Nowadays the speed of technology utilization and production of innovation grow so rapidly that it raises the gap between education and human resource needs in the world of work and society. The challenge of 21st-century education is its role and strategy in bridging the gap between the education process in Higher Education with the world of work and the need for innovation.