UNESCO-UNITWIN collaborated with Gadjah Mada University, held a training with the title “2021 UNESCO-UNITWIN Online Training at Gadjah Mada University”. This training was held from 1 to 5 November offline, and attended by 105 “heroines” from locations spread across several regions in Indonesia. Why “heroine”? because all participants are women. In addition, all of them come from various scientific backgrounds.
On the first day, the activity began with a greeting from the program manager Wirastuti Widyatmanti, Ph.D. who is also the Head of Academic Innovation at PIKA. Followed by a welcome speech by the Head of PIKA Dr. Hatma Suryatmojo continued with the opening by Dr. Jung-in Jo as Executive Director of APWINC, Sookmyung Women’s University.
The first day of training, “Introduction to React Native” was the opening material. This material was delivered until noon.
The next material is “Design Thinking for Problem-Solving” On the second day, the morning session or ICT session carried the title “Data Mining Using Python I”.
The Leadership Session is placed in the afternoon session with the material “Gender and Leadership”.
Continuing the previous day, “Data Mining Using Python II” filled the ICT session material until the afternoon break.
On the third day, the leadership session was filled with the material “Entrepreneurship for Empowerment and making Changes to The World”.
On the fourth day, participants received ICT material about “AI practice for Beginners” followed by a leadership session that honed soft skills with the title “How to Be a Good Communicator.”
On The last day, the leadership material was the closing material. This time about “Visioning and Leadership.
At the end of the session, all participants who have been previously grouped present what has been given from the beginning to the end of the training.